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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Meal Planning Tips

Getting Started:
  • Make a master list of meals and side dishes (You can use google docs and hyperlink online recipes)
  • Review your personal and family calendar (don't plan time consuming meals on busy days)
  • Know your budget
  • Know your stock
  • Review grocery store ads
  • Decide what day will be your shopping day
  • Categorize your menu by day of the week. ie: Mon-sandwiches, Tues-crock pot, Wed-fish, Thurs-pasta, Fri-ethnic.....
  • Plan a few meals that you make double portions to freeze and use later
  • Assign your kids/spouse certain days to pick a favorite meal
  • Plan one or two weeks at a time if a whole month is overwhelming
  • Try Walmart grocery pickup to save time and avoid impulse shopping.
  • Look at your menu every morning after breakfast. Take meat out of the freezer and prep whatever you can. (It's okay to have a pot of peeled potatoes sitting on the stove all day) Clean up breakfast AND dinner prep all at once and save even more time!!
  • Try new recipes! Throw in a new recipe and let your family decide if it's a keeper 👍. Keepers get added to the master list.
  • Try this concept for breakfast and/or lunch too.
  • Calms the "witching hour" hustle
  • Family time
  • Saves money $$
  • Eat Healthier

TRY IT!! What do you have to lose?!?

Submitted by: Sherri Castle

Featured Recipes at the Meal Planning Enrichment Night:
Crockpot Chicken Alfredo
Sweet and Sour Meatballs 
Andes Mint Cookies
Cinnamon Roll Cookies
Heavenly Oreo Dessert 
Pumpkin Roll