4 cups (1.1lbs) Flour
1 TBS Sugar
2 tsp Salt
1 3/4 cups (11.55oz) Crisco
1 TBS White Vinegar
1/2 cup Ice Water
1 Egg
Mix flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl. Cut in Crisco with a pastry cutter or two kitchen knives
until the Crisco is pea sized. In a separate bowl wisk together water, vinegar, and egg. Add flour mixture a little at a time just until dough can be formed into a ball. Touch the dough as little as possible at this stage!! Refrigerate for at least an hour before rolling out. If blind baking, cook at 375 deg for 30-45 minutes.
-Use weight measurements for a more accurate and perfect pie crust every time.
-If blind baking a pie crust use parchment paper with baking beads or beans work as well to prevent the crust from bubbling. Make sure to take them out the last 15min or so.
-Put an egg wash (egg and milk mixture) on the top crust then sprinkle with sugar before baking.
-Make sure to vent the top crust if doing a solid crust.
-roll the dough between two cloths with flour and transfer from the cloth or fold the crust into fourths place it in the pie tin and unfold.
Lattice Top demo
Submitted by: Tenay Johnson
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